Everyone Getting Banned

Started by Skhilled, May 17, 2021, 09:20:05 AM

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I apologize if you can here within the past few days and were banned. This was not on purpose!!!

I've installed Nginx Proxy to speed things up on the server. However, the spamblocker mod saw it as a threat and started banning everyone including me! LOL

Hopefully this is now fixed.



grins i must have picked the right time to be offline ... didnt get banned.

Siggy and Mega by me


It was briefly a few times, mostly while i was testing it. As soon as I saw it banned me I turned it off. Was just hoping that no one stopped by while I playing with it. The funny thing is other people have the spamblocker mod and no one was banned on their sites. So, it has to something here.

Anyways, I've gotta redo this site and update a few things and is prolly why...