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My MyBB Project

Started by Skhilled, May 03, 2015, 04:26:58 PM

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I have converted my old forum to phpBB. Now I'm not sure which way they are headed. This got me thinking about other software. MyBB seems like a good candidate...I thought about this when considering converting my site to phpBB.

Anyhoo, I'll take a copy of my DB and convert it to MyBB and then populate it with mods, etc. to see how it goes. I'll post my finding here. But first I need to redo this site just to get rid of some junk and get things working properly again.  :whistle:


+1 I'm finding it very nice, even out of the box has build in features most need mods for. I'm gonna do fresh install to the main root of the url I have a test set up on now, so I'm liking it very much they seem be move right along, looking forward to next version, but this one is very nice.

Thank Doc for getting me to look at this again at this point in time@! :)

more to come!



You can also get the up to the minute updates they are working on at Github. I think it's the new 2.0 that will be released next but I'll need a bit to check this one out first.


Thanks and yes I will also.. this some I think I'll keep!



First to the site is now in the first post:

The portal sucks! LMAO It has a few blocks but you must code your own. The few blocks that it has are built into the mybb coding. There are a couple of portal plugins but they appear to be outdated. More on this later...

The coding of mybb seems simple. Some features that are built into SMF need to be installed as plugins. This keeps the coding simple but adds more work on the admin. Then they warn you about not adding too many plugins. :P

So far, I've added 2 themes (an easy process) which you must upload via FTP. You upload a .php file then enable it in the admin.

The same process goes for plugins but is also pretty easy. I've installed an arcade with 2 games. The arcade only accepts IBPPro and V3arcade games but they have the best games, imo. LOL Next, I'll install a gallery...

Support? I've read some of the topics and they do seem very friendly and DO NOT talk down to you nor treat you poorly like at the SMF support forum.  ???

Overall, a very good forum software and they are currently working on 2.0 which promises to be even better. But we'll have to wait and see...


Doc We will take it apart! :)

I'm am finding it has built in stuff that smf does not, especially spam and security stuff, the little portal built, is ok I guess if could use some work, but on the responsive theme it goes away when close the browser in or shrink the browser.
I f you think about it it has most every thing you really need in portal, surrounding the forum body and side panel. It a little bit of work for the admin but very specific in what you can do with the ACP.( I feel you have better control on things than with SMF. ) I'm very impressed with it so far, and it been along time sense I found something other than SMF that I like! )

Some / a few mods are out dated but this version fairy new and they seem to moving right along and ver 2.0 is in the works, so this maybe why?

Seem very solid stable and fast, clean and easy on the user or members!



Yes, it does seems very stable. I have not tested the security yet. That is what I am going to work on next. Actually I should have did that first.  :baghead:

I will try one of their portals (may be outdated) and see what happens or try to code blocks myself when I finish testing other things. A portal is not needed but would make things a bit easier.


I log-in on your, Mine Is

Got my logo up! time to have some fun! :)



Doc... Sorry But SMF is on back burner for now, I'm liking this MyBB :)



So far, I've installed an arcade, a gallery, and an audio video embedder...which all work well. I've also installed a blog and shoutbox which are not working properly. I can see the settings in the ACP but cannot make them show on the board so they can be used. I have found a newer version of MyBBlog on Github that I've just downloaded and will see if that works better.

Nope...Githug version still is te same. will need to contact support on these 2...


Thanks Doc , I had issues with Shout not showing, also. And the other stuff I need to try later. But still liking it allot though!



I've seen a few posts about adding a small piece of code to the template files but haven't got that far yet...

EDIT: I also want to add a downloads mod but the only one I've found is outdated but still may work.


Not so feature rich... but maybe I'm just spoiled from using SMF all these years.  ???
" If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough." - Mario Andretti


Yes, it has less features out-of-the-box but most of those can be added via plugins.


Maybe, But it has stuff that SMF does come with, I'll make list when feeling better, and I like the ACP better also more control.. can't wait for the next update!

I real think it just looks less busy due to the layout of things! :) not so many tables windows etc!  much clean and more professional looking if you ask me!~

The other stuff we can work on!
